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Viktor slowly came out of the room and wandered towards the stairs

Vincent: ...I'm so sorry miss-I really didn't mean to scare you...hey-hey it's's ok...shhh...he's gone...he's gone now...shhh...

Viktor can still hear the young woman sobbing, louder this time. 

He peeked down the stairs at Vincent and the woman.

It's a teenage girl, eyes wide and panicked. She has deep scratches on her arm and she's bleeding heavily, sobbing. Some books got knocked off of a stand-there are books cluttering nearly every surface in this house-making the crashing noise that Viktor heard. 

Vincent: Shh...shhh...I know, I's ok...I promise-he's not going to hurt you again...shh...

He's hugging the girl, not putting any pressure on her arm, comforting her. She gradually calms down 

Vincent: Ok...I'm going to treat those scratches for you-you're absolutely sure he didn't bite you, right? 

???: Y-yeah...


Vincent looks up and sees Viktor  

Vincent: Viktor, stop lurking like a creep. 


Vincent: It's fine. Now you gonna make yourself useful or are you gonna keep staring? 


Viktor came down the stairs and picked up the books that were on the stand

Vincent smiles a tiny bit 

Vincent: Ok. So-I'm going to need you to come with me-all my medical equipment is in the library...and remember-you can't go telling all your little school friends about this-not that they'd believe you anyway, but- 

???: I get it-just-help...please...

Vincent: Yeah. C'mon...