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I'm just excited of your game and i mean i will start from scratch if the game is done. I hope you release more so that i can test the new stage and make feedbacks of it using my saved data. If I caught problems, I'll just comment here asap so that you will be aware of the issue. 

The game was so fun that if you release a new update, I download it instantly. I'll make sure to that your 2 months of progress will be worth it :D 

Wow, I'm feeling flustered here!
I'm glad to see so much enthusiasm!
You bet I'll getting this game complete one way or another!
Also,  as a special bonus, don't know if you noticed, there are special items in each stage that pretty much made the whole demo game easier, BUT are really helpful to fight the extra bosses AND the secret boss (which is hidden in the last room somewhere....)
Hope you have fun with that while I prepare the next release!

yah there are secret rooms i discovered and i opened all of them