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Vincent: That's not what I'm paying you for. We have a client-it's time to do your job.


Vincent smiles at him 

Vincent: Great. Oh-and try chewing gum next time you have cravings-it's not perfect, but it'll help- 


Vincent starts leading him and the girl down the hall 

Vincent: and you're sure this was a werewolf? It's pretty unusual for them to attack someone like this- 

???: I-it definitely was...

(attack on klaus)

Viktor kept quiet, shoving his hands in his pockets

(Ok but drunk Klaus would is the thing-)

He leads them into a bigass library

(yes he would)


Vincent: Ok-so-the werewolf infection IS transferable through cuts, but-lucky for you, there is a cure-unfortunately, that cut's deep enough that you're going to need stitches-

Viktor cringed at the word stitches