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I enjoyed the look and feel of this, especially the sprites.  I like the idea of a detective story, but did feel that this was mostly dialogue and would have enjoyed doing a bit more detecting!  Nevertheless, I appreciate that the entries had to be short and you did convey Edwin's back story well.  I would definitely like to see something like this in a longer format.  Well done to all involved.

Thank you for taking the time to play our game and for leaving a comment.

We had to scratch some of the events/gameplay elements we intended to put in there due to being short on time in the end. Sadly.

But we plan to remaster this game or jump to a second one that will feature everything we originally intended to be in there PLUS takes the wonderful feedback we're getting into account. :) 


I certainly appreciate the restraints caused by the short development time and also the short playing time required for the contest.  I will be keeping  an eye out to see what you can come up with, given more time, and hope to be following Edwin's adventures in the future.