Hi Ciogames!
This game has a solid 2D top down player controller. It's nice and responsive. And I like how the art style is original. A couple of tips:
- As a developer, the game makes a ton of sense when you are building it. Why? Because you designed it, of course! But sometimes this doesn't translate to your players, which can make the game confusing or people might think it doesn't work. My suggestion, hand the game off to someone and DON'T tell them how to play. Take notes on every question they ask you, and then update your game to answer those questions in your absence.
- Our gracious host MS ANNOTATION X mentioned a tutorial. That would help to solve this problem, but a simple "How to Play" menu would also do the job!
- In Unity, you can tag the collider you have on the outside of the play area as a "Destroyer." Then, with your projectile's "OnCollisionEnter2D" method, you can have the bullet destroy itself when it contacts anything with a "Destroyer" tag. For a small game like this, it doesn't always matter, but if you ever make bigger projects, those stray bullets will eat your memory and cause performance issues. In fact, I experience quite a bit of lag playing this game.
- For a more advanced (and memory efficient) method, take a look at this tutorial on object pooling! https://learn.unity.com/tutorial/introduction-to-object-pooling
Keep at it! I love the visuals this game has, for being made with only MS Paint :)
Best Regards,
Brandon from TheIndieDream