I think you should have branched skill learning (so skills unlock or upgrade instead of being able to learn a ton) - I also think that the main character should have a set class, or a class chosen at the beginning of the game to keep her playstyle a bit cleaner. I also wasn't crazy about the item shop being the first option in the menu - as most games default to it being the first (as it's the most used) - If you're using conditional branches for the online store try to input labels so that when people leave one - they're not thrown out of the menu, and instead brought back to the main screen of the online store (feel free to message me if this doesn't make sense, it's super easy)!
The skills coincide with the battle system feedback - I feel like there were a lot of skills to use - but most were either the same or not incredibly useful - instead of having 8 skills that do triple damage to different types of enemies, I always think it's better to scope it down for simplicity in design.