Quick update. I'm done for tonight, and on the road for work tomorrow until late- check in Thursday some time.
I pulled some code from another project that used Box2d and got it roughly in similar shape to the last build, but using Box2D.
Ran out of time to do what I wanted, so a lot of rough spots still. Platforms for instance don't line up right and will need some improved control logic. Also need logic to confirm player is on the ground- I put a 90 second delay between jumps just for testing. Probably making MainLayer a ContactListener would allow for implementing more logic on contact, such as confirming if the player is standing on something they can jump from.
Anyway feel free kyperbelt/bytes to try your hand at improving anything you see there. Just to avoid duplicating effort, let's send each other either a post here or get some direct emails or something going so we know roughly what each other is working on.
I think for the next week we stick to basic mechanisms and high level level design and puzzles. Hopefully some art work will start rolling in next week which would allow us to do more 'final' level design.
Some ideas on how we could divide up work:
1. I can improve some of the Box2D base code I added - I took some shortcuts as I ran out of time tonight - some grossness with filter and masking and with how I'm using globals essentially as parameters for addToWorld.
1a. Exit and next level mechanic.
2. Someone work on fixing platform logic for movement, so should stop perfectly by stop point etc. and not just motion when player or object blocks it. Some rules to figure out - what happens when block gets in way...player, etc. (Player I think you die)
3. Someone work on player movement...getting it nice and smooth, and the on ground sensor for jumping. Key is short guy can jump just over 1 tile high, and tall guy can jump just over 3 tiles high max. Also don't like how they stick in spots, and some other weird behaviour. Acceleration, and turning also should be smoother.
4. Any good ideas on the throwing of the power unit.
5. Implement switches - probably both visible switches, one way switches, and hidden ones (so trigger points) - can trigger platforms to start moving etc.
6. Platforms - maybe one way movement then stops, until switch hit again - might be useful puzzle element
7. A moving enemy?
8. The idea of death, and restarting.
9. Trampoline object
- Grant