-Does the game provide too much or not enough assistance to the player in terms of solving puzzles?
I would appreciate a little extra assistance at the very beginning. Just like a quick tutorial of how to open the grimoire and use a single spell type of thing. Other than that I think the assistance for the other puzzles is at the perfect level.
-Are there any specific puzzles/mechanics you would like to see?
Maybe a teleport or a move/possess object spell would be cool. Puzzle-wise I think that just playing with various combos of spells will help create some interesting puzzles.
-Does this room look like a spaceship room?
A little bit of a sci-fi vibe but also like a castle vibe. I don't think its a bad thing.
-Does the walking seem intuitive?
Walking is too slow, it was a little painful to get around. Something that I tried to do was click and hold to move the character towards my mouse.
-Does the spell usage seem intuitive?
Yes, once I knew the control to open the spell menu. It might be nice to have an icon or something to indicate if you need to do something with the spell or its just does its effect.
-Does the information in the text box help?
Yes it did, I really enjoyed reading it. A slightly smaller text box would be nice. That or a journal that you could open and see previous messages.