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Very well done. *sniff* I have a little cold so *choke* you know the . . .*sob*  tears are just allergies.

Seriously though, you really captured those emotions well in such a short time. I think myself and all players were rooting for Cassie the whole way and you took that connection and. . . just really got me. The pacing of the battles and the storytelling scenes was perfect, and neither went on for too long. Giving a voice to the MC was a great idea, and just made her such an endearing character. Battles were about right for a jam. Pretty easy. Lots of exploration rewards which was cool. I enjoyed coloring between all the battles.

I try to offer some helpful suggestion, but I don't know what to say here. Maaaaybe the battles could have had more variety. Maaaybe some skill learning progression? Learning Amethyst Avalanche after a couple battles might have made it a bit more satisfying to fight. Some skills linked to finding more crayons? That's all that comes to mind, but maybe Cassie and her story are perfect just the way they are. Great jam entry.