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Is it possible to be immune to hypnosis? i went through the introduction but when i played i felt nothing..


We're sorry to hear that! In our experience, it's less of an immunity factor and more that different brains require different inductions. Our projects' hypnotic aspects thus far have focused primarily on blends of audio, visual, and kinesthetic inductions, but if those don't work well for you, then e.g. a confusion induction may be more your speed. We plan on expanding our induction repertoire in future projects, and hope that some of those experiences work better for your specific mind!

Honestly, i think it might be due to my aspergers. Kind of a shame really. the voices in your games are super beautiful. props to the voice actress(es)


As we said, different minds require different inductions. We recommended looking into confusion inductions because they tend to work well on people on whom other inductions may not work, including neurodivergent people who aren't affected by other induction types.


You have to be willing to be hypnotized and believe you can  be. Even then it's not a terribly well researched subject.