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I can relate with you with the wanting to improve, but not improving fast enough. And I 100% lose my patience really fast, because often I just feel like I haven't improved at all. Sometimes I feel like I did a fluke that looks good and I can't replicate it anymore in the future, it feels like I've gotten worse. It's all in my head, but I can't shake the negative feeling off.

ONE is amazing and I'm pretty jealous of him. I'm pretty sure he's fairly decent with his art, but he just intentionally doesn't as much effort in it as he could have and his manga is so nice.

I actually have some experience and knowledge with Paneling, Narrative techniques, etc. (Scott McCloud's book or PDF files talks so in depth about it and it's lovely), but I haven't really been practicing it at all. I probably should start doing some comics, even if it looks horrible. Cinematography is something I'm somewhat practicing, so I at least have that. I'm not really passionate about these subjects, but I do look into them and try to understand them. I probably would want to try and write stories aside from Visual Art, since I can later on apply it and make a VN or Comic out of it. I don't know why, but I feel like I need to get good with basic art first before I do that, while I know that it's better to practice a few multiple things at once, instead of just solely 1 thing. I'm not really good at writing either, so that's probably why.

As for the Visual Novel, overall I did think the pacing was pretty good. I do agree with you there are slow parts. I do have my criticisms, but I decided to not start, since I won't be able to stop and it'll end up being a huge wall of text hahaha.

(1 edit)

I think if you feel like you should focus on visual art first then that's probably what you should do. Switching between different disciplines works for me but everyone is different and it's even harder to be motivated when you don't really want to do something.
Problems like these are tricky because it's mostly psychological. But something I've been practicing is to not feel bad when I have days where I'm not very productive or creative. That was actually one of the ideas behind //TODO: today and one of the messages I want to bring across, that sometimes just doing a little is at least better than doing nothing even if it doesn't bear big results. And sometimes it's just important to rest and take time off (although it's difficult to feel like this is actually for the sake of productivity :'D) 
Of course that doesn't change quality or improvement but I think even there it's helpful to try to accept that there are days where you are better or worse than usual.

I haven't completely solved this problem either so there's not really much else I can add, but I think ultimately everyone has to find an answer for themselves anyway (although taking a look at other people can still be a valid way to get there). I hope this wasn't completely off the mark for your situation!
And fair enough with the criticism :'D If you still feel like sharing it and don't want to post a wall of text you can contact me at