Well if you look at the code now, it uses Box2D and Tiled - so I think we're already there! I ripped out a couple days ago all my custom physics logic and replaced with Box2d. So all MainLayer.java does is load the tiled map, create Box2D static bodies for the tiles that are solid, iterate over the Objects layer from tiled and add GameMapObjects for them - which also each can have Box2D bodies, etc.
Did you read my earlier post on the thread - I tried to explain some of the key classes and the general flow/approach.
Sure I can use trello instead - I was just thinking github had issues which can link to commits and also has a wiki and the readme - just didn't want too many places.
So let's decide on one place tasks are identified and assigned.
A few other things to share. Met with artist and sound team tonight, they are on board. Might have two artists, we'll see, he's going to check.
We should have some initial character art Sunday night/Monday, and then some tiles etc next week or so. Sound will be last, we'll start building an asset list as we go.
Also another game design thing - we're thinking we should change the power unit to a 'brain' and the cyborgs actually drop the brain between the two cyborg bodies. Be kind of fun- also the little bit of experimentation, throwing of the power unit and controls was seeming more tedious than fun for the player. Thinking now you can press a button, the brain detaches, and you can move it left/right - it kind of hops with a nice juicy squishy sound - it doesn't jump though- so this allows for it to still play a role in the puzzle element. In two player, whoever drops the brain, controls it, until it contacts the other player. This also opens the option for in a later level adding another character type if we wanted to etc.
- Grant