This was... not at all what I expected! Well, I don't really know what I was expecting, but I was definitely caught off guard by the whimsical story.
The character designs are really nice and the art is so bold and colourful. You could do with aligning the facesets properly so that they don't shake when changing expression, there should be templates to help with this if your art program doesn't have rulers. I wasn't really a fan of the lack of wall mapping as I found navigating the library a little confusing, but I can understand the choice by the later maps.
No major bugs to speak of; just noticed that these two npcs have the same dialogue
and this has the wrong text box

(Might have also made the meaning clearer if you put the word disappointed between quotation marks.)
I would also recommend maybe a warning for the first battle since it came out of nowhere and I died and had to start from the beginning again. (I'm terrible at combat ahahaha.)
Candide gives us a book weapon, but since we go straight into battle it can't actually be equipped. I don't think I was ever able to use the bookslam skill. Since it serves no purpose, you'd be better off removing MP, TP and money. I'm not familiar with VX Ace, but there should be an option in the database to just untick TP. The rest you might need scripts for, but there should be plenty of resources around with a little googling.
I didn't enjoy the scrolling corridor scene at all. A short scene is fine, but reading that much text against a moving background made me feel kinda sick ^^''
Overall, it's easy to see how much effort you put in. There's so much to look at and discover! Unfortunately, something in the story didn't quite click with me. The surrealism mixed with the somewhat muted reactions meant everyone just felt unrelatable. Although I liked the concept, I wasn't that engaged with the story, but that's just me, so please don't take it to heart. You should be immensely proud of creating something so polished within a short deadline on your practise run! :D