I love it. I love that it's not the typical cutesy VN, and I love the style of writing. I'm going to write about this in my indie game blog (if that's okay) and I'll share a link when it's finished! :) I can't wait to see more.
Oh gosh, thank you so much! We're really happy that we seem to have hit the right horror-mundane balance we were aiming for, and that people enjoy it. We absolutely welcome any write-ups, of course; we'd be really grateful for the time and effort put into it, and we'd love to see it when it's done!
Oh wow, thank you so much for the article! It's incredibly flattering and we're really glad you enjoyed what you saw. We're also very appreciative of the promotion to your readers. I hope it's okay that we've queued your post for our developer tumblr as well!