Just curious if you followed the nerdy nights tutorial to learn for this project.
Thank you! It's super cool you're following along with it, and if you don't mind the info dump I have some links of things that were very helpful to me when I made this a couple years ago and more recently when I refreshed myself on NES dev.
6502 Instruction Cheat Sheet - very helpful page that just no-frills lists all of the instructions for 6502 assembly.
6502 Instruction Reference - a deeper version of the previous pretty much, more like documentation. Although there isn't a wealth of information it's still a great reference.
6502 Registers - some information on each of the defined registers (X, Y, etc), mostly the Processor Status section is very useful as it defines what each bit in the status is used for.
NES Architecture Overview - fantastic resource all about how the NES is set up. What are each of the CPU/PPU port addresses and what do they do, CPU and PPU memory maps, discusses the .nes file format and mappers used for memory bank switching and the like.
And then I don't know what you're using by way of compiler, but I started using CA65 and LD65 recently and I think it works well for me. I used NESASM for this project and it's much easier to follow nerdy nights because you're using all the same syntax, so if you check it out and it looks overwhelming then nevermind! But here's some info on CA65/LD65:
Example project on github using CA65 & LD65 to compile and link
Alright, that's a whole lot so I'm sorry, but hopefully some of it is helpful! I'd love to see your final result from nerdy nights and anything else you might make!