The concept was interesting and the jokes between levels and in the intro were great. Personally I'm not generally one for bullet hell games but this one was kinda interesting. For the first little bit I accidentally missed the portion of the tutorial on the fact that you can stop time while moving. Which after going back and checking.. I don't know how... As for the few points I can mention:
- Sometimes the hitbox of Chronos was a little hard to tell specifically where it was. I enjoyed the ingame health bar as well as the health in the top left, but it also felt a little weird being hit sometimes and not other times. Especially with the upgrades that lower the hitbox and such.
- The fact that the pixies just teleported when you trapped them was a bit annoying and unexpected. I assumed that if you could catch up to and trap a pixie you'd be able to capture it, so I did end up dying a couple times to a teleporting pixie, but it was interesting and made them a little harder, if a bit annoying without already knowing it and in general.
- Integrating Dare to Fail as a way to allow players to continue playing even upon death was interesting, and definitely made it less annoying when I did end up dying. A lot. So that was appreciated, though the endings I definitely do wonder what the others were, especially since I barely got about half of the pixies so I won't really be able to see the "good" ending unless I go back through.
Overall though it was an interesting concept, a kinda funnily executed one. And most of all, definitely not a tranquil game.