Review for RPG Maker Web's IGMC 2017 Secret Santa!
I'm afraid I wasn't able to get very far into this game. After the introductory plot arc, the player is turned loose to wander the world, but the reachable parts of the world turn out to be a fairly small continent, and it's unclear how to progress the plot from there. My save file for the game says a little over an hour has been spent playing, and an hour is how much time the IGMC judges are supposed to spend on each game, so I suppose I'll use that as my own cutoff point too.
It's clear that a lot of enthusiasm went into creating this game. The towns and other explorable areas I could find were sprawling and lavishly decorated. Nearly everything that looked like an interactable object did indeed have an event when the player interacts with it, although most of them simply gave a short description.
Unfortunately, the gameplay is rather lackluster. Right after the introductory arc, half of the enemies the player can run into in the wild are completely incapable of inflicting damage on the hero. For the fights that actually do have enemies that are a potential threat, the best strategy seems to be to use the Concentrate technique, which shoots the hero's available TP to maximum, then use the powerful, all-hitting Beta Strike until all enemies are dead. Perhaps it would have grown more intricate and fun had I found my way into later areas of the game, but what I saw was very simple and unbalanced.
For a very first attempt at making a game, and doing so in a month, this is a good effort. It needs a great deal of improvement to stand on its own, though. I recommend reading Yanfly's comics about basic RPG making ( and considering carefully the numbers that are involved in the combats.