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(3 edits) (-1)

Hi Matt,

Great software!  I want to make a few requests:

1. It would be great if the files knew their own name.  For example if i save a file as foo.json but then externally edit it as bar.json and re-open.  When I save it still wants to save itself as foo.json.  I think it should just associate itself with whatever it's file is actually named in the file system.

2. Similar issue with folders. Having a base project folder is a bit odd.  It would be better to just have a save dialogue pop up where you can choose a folder in your file system (similar to most other software).  When you open the file back up it should know where it is located in your file system and want to save itself there by default (file > save).  I have a lot of dialogue files and it gets hard to organize having to sit them all in the same base project folder.

3.  Do we really need a 'save' and an 'export'?  I get that export doesnt include the graph stuff used in the program itself but its really not saving you much to not have the graph included in your json.  json files are really small to begin with.  if someone is really upset about the size they can always go into the file and strip the graph info out of there.

--- Basically you should have a save, and save as option (just like most other software) ---

4. Global list of characters and variables please :)