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I played it in Co-op mode and i found some problems:

- Player 2 Can't hear Page sounds in Easymode
- If Player 1 is AFK, at some point Slender will wait behind him but won't do anything.
- Player 2 walked on its own, and also moved the camera slightly but permanently (XBox Controller). When i flipped the input settings, it also flipped the direction in which Player 2 moved automatically. If you switch the Controller off, it will still move like before, but if you go into pause menu and then switch it off, Player 2 will stand still like no Controller is connected.
- At some houses when Slender is on the terrain, Slender can't "kill" through the porch (because of invisible assets?). Causing him to just stand there and look into your direction.

Nonetheless we had so much fun playing this well made game and the sounddesign is also insane! Thank you for developing :)


Well, thank you for your feedback!

There can´t be more than 1 audiolistener in one scene, which is attached to the main player (player 1). Unfortunately I didn´t found a solution for that.. Well, but it is intended that slender is only interacting with the player if he is seen by one of them. Which values did appear on players 2 upper left corner? Did you move the joysticks before the HUD showed up? If not then go to: settings -> controls and then press the button remove deadzone this might help. Yeah.. thats a problem some colliders are inbetween you and slender which will return that slender isn´t seen by the player.

I am glad to hear that you liked the game anyways :) I hope to see you also on my upcomming projects!
Have a awesome day! :)


no one cares
