Ollie: ...
He glares up at Jaimie
Ollie: Let go.
"Why should I..?"
Ollie: Because this is VERY quickly turning into assault. So unless you want me to call the security guards over, you either let go, or you pay up.
"I think I'll pay up..how much..?"
Ollie: As much as you're willing to pay.
"Doesn't really matter to me.."
Ollie: Great. Then as much as you have.
"on me right now..or in my bank account..?"
Ollie: On you right now-Jesus, I may be money hungry, but I'm not gonna bankrupt you! Trust me, I'm not that good...
He giggles
"I have a feeling your amazing in bed..ok..well I have..712,568 dollars on me so there"
he gave him the money