Hello again! So I've been keeping up on your twitter and checking back here every once in a while to see if the Scrapyard update is up :P haha I just need more Nytro in my life, it's very fun!
I'm looking forward to learning more about Blender and 3D modeling, but as of right now I'm still trying to get my tech demo, a 2D platformer, released, so I haven't been able to utilize the great info and tips you've given me just yet.
So I hope development is going well for you and looking forward to any updates.
Oh! Also, I had my girlfriend playtest Nytro, and she enjoyed it! With only one complaint, the camera movement while swimming made her feel nauseous, like motion sickness.
My only diagnosis as to why the camera did that while swimming is possibly the slow turning of the camera while being able to freely move in the 3D space, much more than while on land. Though I'm not sure. I've been playing through the original Spyro trilogy with her and she stated that swimming in the Spyro games never made her feel that way. She had no problem with the camera in Nytro while on land.
So perhaps you could look into how the Spyro games handled the camera while swimming a little more and try to emulate its movement closer? I only ask because I would love to play through Nytro with her when more is released, but not if it makes her sick. I totally understand that cameras are a pain to get right, so no worries, but I hope that it can be improved :)
PS: I never found a problem with the camera while swimming personally, so you're on the right track!