Ollie: Whuh...oh...hey sweetheart...
He sits up a little then realizes they're not in the club anymore
Ollie: Wait...where are we...?
"Hey love..i brought you too my house cause when I was tryinf to leave the club you were sleeping but u kept pulling on my so I just brought u here but I didn't do anything after that night"
Ollie: O-oh...well, thanks...Jaimie, was it...?
"Mhm..if your hungry..you can go downstairs and ask the maids what you want they'll cook it for you"
Ollie: Nah, I'm good. I have to go back to work-my shift probably starts soon...
He looks down
Ollie: Aaand I'm naked. Do you have my clothes?
"Take whatever you want in the closet.."
Ollie: Um-you sure?
"If u steal clothes why should I care..?..just go ahead.."
Ollie: I...ok. Just-come back to the club tonight, I'll give you your clothes back then.
"I was gonna come back anyway..but ok.."