Jamie went to that club and was sitting there watching the strippers waiting for his lap dance (he was bi so he lowkey liked watching the strippers)
Ollie bounds out and plops down onto Jaimie's lap
Ollie: Cutiee~You're backkkk..~!!
"Ollie..I'm kinda waiting for my lap dance..so hurry..what is it..?"
Ollie: I just had a foursome..~It was so gooddddd..~!!
He grins
"I wanna be fuckedddd~..not fair..ill just wait till my lap dancer come though.."
Ollie: Ohhhh...~well..~I think one of the security guards are still here..~
"I Want moreee~..."
then a man walked up to jamie and said im supposed to give you the lap dance
Ollie's eyes widen and he stares at the guy, blushing a little
Ollie: Woah...are you new...?
??:mhm..its a bit uncomfortable to show my abs tho..
Jamie looked at him up and down blushing
Jamie:go ahead..you can start...ollie..i promise to come get you if we decide to do anything..
??:o-oh ok..
he got on Jamie's lap and looked at Ollie smiling
Ollie seems...just a bit...jealous...?
Ollie: Oh...okie..~!
He bounds off