he smirked and took his pants off
"you coming angel..?"
Ollie: Yeah~! Come here hottie..,~!
he can over there with no clothes on covering his spott
Ollie: Hehe..~move your hands angel..~! I wanna see..~!
he was really hard and embarrassed
Ollie: I wanna seeee..~! Look~!
He takes his pants off. He has a vibrator in him
he got supper hard and it started getting even bigger
Angel:f-fuckk..that turned me on..
Ollie: Hehe..~!
He looks down
Ollie: Oh-I guess I should take out the vibrator..~I kinda forgot about it, hehe..~
he stopped being a wuss and left to if his spot
Ollie's eyes widen
Ollie: Woah...S-so big...~