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Let me start with saying that game is good, it's starting little rough at the beginning but the renders/animation/and writing gets better with each chapter.

I mostly rate this kind of VN by how much I like/care about girls and this one doing it for me, so great job!

Choice seems to matter, even the smaller one make some changes (even if only for next few scenes).

I also loved the fact that you can turn "tips" that will tell you what some choice lead too - honestly, sometimes I wouldn't guess...


At the start I have to admit that so far I did only one playthrough (with minor changes here and there) that I would call honest harem so I will say my feelings about it (keep in mind that it's just my personal feelings about it - I don't mean it's bad, I just say how I feel about it).

1st. So far the Harem thing feel nice, less forced like in some other games and more believable, dunno how it will end but I hope for happy end. Saying that I also did broken watch ending and as I liked it a lot I didn't like the fact that in one moment you are forced to make a promise (can't take second option - bad end) just to get stormed be two other girls that you didn't had much interactions with yet - so if you want to interact more with them... cheating... just don't like it, wish there was other option (obviously I don't know how it will turn out, but so far I feel bad about it).

2nd. I don't like what happening with Laura, I could get the 1st time she hypnotized MC but after my choices (when I tried her to understand) the fact that she appear to mess things in the gym again (will come back to this) in the way she do (tell everyone to obey MC) kind of pissed me off, of course I understand why this was like that form story point of view - I just personally didn't like it.

3rd. The only "real" MILF in the game, so far have only few scenes but I really liked her. The biggest blow was where I thought Ashley is really ok with it just to realize after few lines (and then confirmed by game) that's it's all because of Laura order, ugh... that's not nice, heavy blow... and the fact that she said that it would destroy her if she knew took my all hope for happy ending for Beth+harem, shame (but maybe there is some choice I missed or some [hopefully] other plans for her).


Obviously with so many choices there some weird things that pop up sometimes, for me there 2 things that feel weird.

1st. I took Jenn sub route and even thought I didn't like it at beginning I kind of started liked it deeper in the game. The thing is, at some point she acted just like normal girlfriend out of nowhere and it feel weird, but then she went back to sub again, at the gym (and in broken watch ending) she seemed to be more sub but still she feel a little off sometimes - but maybe that's me.

2nd. Brittany - when she called me to help with hear breasts she have line  "You haven't called me for f since we saw each other last" that was kind of weird because I didn't had that kind of scenes with her.

Other than that, great game, keep up a good work!, Will try to support it when I can.