Well done, this is a good entry! I like the bullet particles, they look excellent. And once I figured out I could, jumping everywhere was a lot of fun. The concept itself is actually really cool, I love the idea and the implementation of the theme!
There are a few little issues:
- player movement is SO slow, you need to speed it up like 2-3x
- the bullets for the shotgun are really small
- check out the talk "the art of screenshake" for some excellent tips on making games like this "feel" much better. I think you could implement a LOT of what they say here, and if you do it would play like 500x better!
- the Itch client didn't like your RAR file, which made it a little bit of a pain to play. It also tried to load up SteamVR? I think that's an issue with your UE settings!
- A bit of polish on your menu and in-game UI would be really appreciated
If you address all those points, I think that would take it from a "good" entry to a great game! You should be proud of what's there, there's a really solid core there.