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I liked the music and it didn't lag even with a lot of bullets.
But it was a bit hard to know what's going on because you can't see player's or enemy's HP.
Also the fire rate is way too high, especially when it can destroy enemy's bullets.
And 3D obstacles didn't collide with the player. I also think player sprite needs 8 directions, not just 4.

(2 edits) (+1)

Yeah! You have a point, actually i know that all of you are saying is true, i want to add more gameplay feedback, like HP bars or something like that, and then colliders for the props, cause now days you can run out over the scenary haha. Thanks a lot for the comments. i will try to add the 8directions, or maybe, need i change it to 3D? what do u think, maybe the 2.5D its the right choice.


You can stay with 2.5D if you want, but 3D would work too