It's an interesting mix of the two game mechanics! You seem to have implemented several enemy types and weapons, that's a good thing!
the enemy hp and gun damage is way to unbalance =/ The Gun does too much damage.
Although I must admit it's really difficult to play (it's not easy to concentrate on jumping and placing of the turrets, so I either did one or the other)
Maybe i should make the enemy in the runner a bit slower?
or i got an idea, each time you drag the turret it freezes time? I could try that out.
And I don't really know if I should be avoiding anything in the endless runner. It didn't seem to have any effect so it would be cool to have some more explanation on that
Maybe i should add some visual feedback? i will think of something though thanks.
lso I think that what would be great is to have some more feedback from the game. Like for example more in-game effect of the "more ammo" and "increase damage" buttons
That was a last minute feature i added XD.
But yes, i will definitely have to find ways to improve on that, giving audio clue or some sort.
The graphics aren't outstanding ;) but don't come in the way of play and you can always improve that later after you've polished the gameplay.
hehe, it was a choice between stronger mechanics and content or better graphics but with fewer enemies and one weapon, you know which one i picked.
it seems the placehodlers sprites puts players off, but yeah i will need to control my time a bit better for future jams,
Anyway it's a cool game. I'm just writing all this because you asked for ways to improve the game ;)
very nice of you to take your time to type this out for me, thanks man.
and i will definitely exaggerated those visual clues and feedback in my next jams.