Asrian: I'm Asrian-what's your name?
esme: "Im esme! Pretty mame huh- my friend choose ut for me :)"
Asrian: Oh...that's cool-my friends can't speak...
esme: "Oh? Why not? Do they not have mouths? Wait that wouldn't work i don't have a mouth, but yeah how come :(?"
Asrian: Well-I don't really know...
Esme: "oh... well are they like Alive?"
Asrian: Yeah! Why would I talk to someone who wasn't alive...?
esme: "Weeeeelll maybe you don't know their dead! Maybe they died and came back as ghosts and you don't know because they can't talk to you :|"
Asrian: Yeah, but they're not people...they're moths!
esme: "...."
Esme: "If i had a face I'd be repulsed right now"