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Really great sounds and concepts all-round.

One thing I don't understand is how the up and down arrow keys affect your ship. Do they just adjust the angle at which your ship points so that the bullets can run into things instead of pass over them?

My primary difficulty with this one is that I find it nearly impossible to hit things. I can usually destroy satellites from around 100 units away, but I cannot collect their debris, or even so much as crash into it; I always go right past it. Also, I'm cofnused about whether the up/down arrow keys affect debris collection.

But maybe I'm doing something wrong.


Hi! Yes, those keys definitely angle your ship. This affects everything. The game is fully 3d, and your gun always faces forward. If you angle up or down, the projectiles will also move in the exact direction you're facing. So if you face too high or too low, your projectiles will either fly over, or under, the satellite you're aiming for. This is also the case for picking up debris. If you're not aiming for it, you will pass over or under it and not pick it up. You have to make sure that you keep adjusting your pitch angle to point directly at either the debris or the satellite.

Hope that helps a bit.

Yep, that makes sense. I've tried that and still have little success when collecting debris though...

But I'll keep working at it.

(2 edits)


I have good and bad news.

Good news, I'm actually getting pretty good at this game now! I have no idea how, either. I think I just started sort of subconsciously getting a feel for what does and doesn't work. I can't even explain why I couldn't get debris earlier, because now I have no problem with it :)

Bad news, I found a pretty big bug. On wave 4, my ship starts slowing down tremendously. First the max pitch of the radar beeps decreases, then my projectiles slow down. Eventually the slowdown progresses to the point where I can't move fast enough to chase down satellites.

If it'd help, I'd be willing to record a bit of wave 4 to show what it does. Not sure if that'd be helpful or how you'd want to coordinate that though. hope it can easily be remedied in any case.