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Good takes for the theme! Have some difficulty to understand the game mechanics even after reading the how to play (probably because of the color contrast between the font) but overall it’s good mechanics.

Player usually like bashing their controller whatever it’s keyboard or mouse. So maybe just display the key (in your case [space] and [enter]) near the character or the HUD.

Btw, I can cheat by pressing both WASD and arrow key at the same time to make the inspector awareness almost zero 😃


Thanks a lot for playing and the feedback. Yes, unfortunately the font I have chosen was a bad decision, but it was too late to change it when I realized it. It is quite hard to read when the game is in fullscreen.

Can you quickly explain in more detail how you cheated? Did you just played both sides on your own. Then you pressed always the keys of the two players together, e.g. A and right arrow, W and up arrow,... If this is what you mean with cheating, it is ok :). This is how you play the game in single player mode, which I think is still quite challenging. I did all the playtesting (and also the par times) like that and it took me a while to do it :).

Yups. Oh I though it’s unintentional. Well, it’s still quite challenging, especially when I switch to pirate character. It really exercise my motoric sync nerve.