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I cant count anymore how many times I have redone now the fie dungeon (and several times the ice dungeon) it was already more annoyance then anything to just redo the same 3 fights over and over just to get a small chance for the 1-2 things you try to loot

but now with the last patch it is even more of a pain
ryen/tsubaki/mage girl/angel healer
character levels should be close to 60 iirc and thanks to doing it over and over a lot of fire-protection equipment but still getting so much damage - especially the two caster - once the enemy/2 bosses start ganging up on them it turns into an endless reviving circle and the few chances to damage the bosses are stopped by much more [missed], [missed], [missed]
and with the changes is mage girl almost useless - the water group spell against the 4 flames does almost nothing and attacking one after the other takes now so much more time and healing/mana refill
same with the two bosses at least she could do some damage to the left one while trying to focus on the right one

(PS: is there one way to show more symbols above the enemies head permanently? - waiting till the rotation shows what you want to know - how long silence, water protection, etc. is lasting is turning into another pain)

these raid dungeons were a pain and now they are an even bigger one
by just doing the same thing over and over and over and over again but now even using up more potions etc ...

(and still looking for a way to open the locked chest in the bosses room on the right)