I really liked the opening presentation but the cover art and opening art don't feel cohesive with the style of the game world which is done in a pixel art style. I also couldn't tell the walls were walls. I thought they were pits that I could fall into until I saw bullets bouncing off them.
Since the game has an opening story component, I feel compelled to know what's going on but since I don't understand, I feel lost in the connection between player and avatar and how that fits into the world.
The general effects, shooting, enemy blood spats a,d the camera shake are good. I like the HUD. It's compact, and easy to read.
The lack of any audio hurts the game. I know in the credits it says there was a musician, however, I tried on two separate machines and neither would play the game's audio so I have to assume it's the game.
Since I couldn't hear the audio I assume there are no sound effects but that would definitely liven things up.
I can see the potential here.