she smiled when he comforted her then she turned around and saw him about to hit her dad she looked at him with no expression just before he got hit she said
"Dad..that's the god that I think is ok for me!.."
he falls back and looks at nothing
"What the hell was that..something hit me and it burns and hurts..what did you do Maven"
"you hit me..and the god hit you back.."
"The hell..gods aren't real..and your mom is dumb..she shouldn't have never been a orcale..there's no reason..Because gods aren't real."
"dad..he's gonna hit you again if you keep talking like that..especially if you insult his culture..that's very wrong.."
"Oh give me a know what you little rat..ivé always wanted to hit you..and i'm gonna do it again.."
he grinned and walked over to her and that point her confidence went away and she threw her hands over her head
she calmed down a bit and smiled he was just so warm and nice she kissed his cheek and let him carry on with her father
"tch..what would your mother say about this.."
"I think she liked on the other hand it seems you don't like him and he doesn't like you..he was nice too mom though.."
"oh be quiet and start the talking.."
"Unless you want me to burn you again, I suggest you stop speaking to her in such a manner. Oh, and if you hurt her or make her cry EVER again I will not hesitate to kill you. Know that I am fully willing and capable. I am Asrian, god of lights. I am very much real, and I am very much in love with your daughter."