whittys son wants to marry me btw pico
have you even asked how old is he
he is 20
well I am 20
well fuck
get shit on.
well at least I am worth it
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rap battle him
me i do not know how to rap
i will teach you are u ready?
hack yeah
do i need to by a mic
im not too sure about that.
so why are you scared
you literary want to rap battle?
hell yeah
lets rap battle then,
lets fight
wait you taking about my age
maybe,maybe not
my almost 29
so what are we doing???
a rap battle https://youtu.be/GBD2B9bDD5I
https://youtu.be/_pLDBCkvyUg can you beat this?