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This is pretty adorable. Although, for an alien planet, the plants seem a little, normal XD

Will the game have any sort of challenge to it (ie, pits, spikes, bad dudes, anything that causes game over) or will it be just a casual relaxed exploring type game?


the plants are just quick little things i made for testing, they will get more elaborate later on (especially since they're mostly static, they would have like one animation at most)

the game will have challenge--for example for things like that frog, if you get too close it starts jumping around madly which makes it impossible to scan, whereas if you creep up on it slowly it stands still (i havent implemented that yet, i will soon though)

it'll also have more traditional things like lava in the mountainous biome, and maybe some dangerous bugs. there's also the problem of oxygen--if you're away from your ship too long you start losing oxygen and then when your empty your health starts to chip away (this is still up in the air though, i want the oxygen tank to be an upgradable thing but if it makes the game annoying i might take it out and just let you explore infinitely)

but overall there aren't going to many 'dangerous' obstacles. i do want it to be more relaxed than most games.

Ahh, cool cool, sounds fun.