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Fun game! I really loved the flame mechanic, it's really satisfying to jump into the dark areas and defy gravity! The art is nice! I think it could have done with showing which walls you can jump off of and which you can't, sometimes the black walls were climbable sometimes not. I also got stuck on level 4 or 5 (lots of moving platforms!), I couldn't find the 3rd flame, I've searched everywhere! It's a shame 'cos I was really enjoying it, I loved exploring and the flying around :D Well done! :D EDIT: level 7 I got stuck on, I think. 70 sec to start with, diagonal dark line at the beginning!

Thank you for your message and constructive feedback! We are working on improving the points you talked about. I believe one of the flames in level 4-5 is actually hidden behind a wall at the very right part of the scene. We'll do our best to make the gameplay and puzzle a bit clearer to the player. We hope to release an improved version of the game soon enough :D