but don't tell him too much or he's just going to listen to you only soo ya plz tank man
Ooooooooooooooook ready now
ya...ya i am ready
*takes off dress*
give me a sec tank man asked me what is her name
what do you think should be her name
you like Emma as a name? (gf)
finally im heading out now.
ok then is a settel
so I'm gf let's do it now
Alright emma meet my friends! Steve and Skittles!
lets do this gf
Good emma! your official cool as me.
alright emma! Go play with steve he'll show you around the place!.You better not do anything stupid Steve.
Hey Emma did steve treat you well?
Emma : Y-y-yeah!
i actually have to go to actually ok bye!)
i'll see you later.
ok bye
give me a sec I'm talking to GF about that ok?
also its a girl sooooooooooo ya
no Emma as a name?
if you want you could call her that while we wait for the name