Thanks again for playing my game in your stream. It was very nice to directly see how someone reacted to the game and hear what you liked and what not. I agree to basically* all your points you made. Especially the movement and what happens when you touch the blocks. On the last day I added smoother movements (you should have seen the movement before :D) with acceleration and friction, but it looks like the parameters I have to tweek the parameters quite a bit. I will for sure tweak that and maybe rethink the "if you thouch each other and the X blocks you need to start from beginning" mechanic. Maybe even leave it away completely and focus on the mirror mechanic and doing it as fast as possible.
Anyway, thanks a lot for playing and the honest review, really appreciated! I hope you were not too frustrated after not completing the game :).
* I still think it could be a cool local multiplayer experience, but I have not done any playtesting for that. Maybe you are right :).