- What about the current world do you like/don't like?
I think it looks nice, the start screen was very clean, music was cool..... though I am not sure if this is just a mac bug, but every part of the world was this gross highlighter yellow, like the textures weren't rendering? Trees, mountains, ground, water, rocks- everything YELLOW.
Not sure if this is a known issue, but I mention it just in case you haven't had anyone say something (maybe it's just me).
- How do the controls feel?
I think the controls feel great, very natural! Though I might suggest opening the book using some other key than b? Tab would feel more natural to me, but again- perhaps that is just me.
- Given the game is focused around magical crafting, do you have any suggestions for recipes or items that would fit the theme?
Hmmm, maybe a love potion? A witch's brew?
Maybe as an item, craft a well/water rod? Something that would give you a more general direction of where to find things, and help out?
- Is there anything you hope to do in the game that has not yet been implemented?
I can't think of anything at the moment.
- Any other general C&C.
None so far. ^^