Hello ZakariaGhorfati!
Thanks for going back to the demo!
About the Squad members not being affected by traps & turrets. This is intended. It would require quite a lot of AI Senses checking for them to be aware of those. And it would not add to gameplay experience. So, unless I find an efficient way of doing it, it will stay as it is.
I must find this glitch you got during sequences, I'll do some testing on that using different resolutions and mouse settings.
About encountering new features (like the shield drones), this something I'm working on. It is quite a delicate work because I don't want to bother players with tons of informations. In fact there is a second tutorial availlable (as says the popup you got when in your vessel), it is accessible on the mission console under "tutorials" tab. It is just that the mission console design has a bad design, you did not see that there are two tabs. I will work on that.
About minimap & waypoint. The triangle top left of your hud is not a waypoint, it is just a compass as such it is always pointing one direction. I don't want to implement a minimap because it tends to spoil the tension to be in an unwelcome place. I think I'll trigger the Exit Waypoint when player reached a kill threshold, may be when he dispatched half of enemies.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to play and share your experience. This will make shootout a more pleasant experience for everyone!