Game is BROKEN!
"R" to restart a level if my 100% glitchless game somehow breaks
- BenBonk, creator of Cube Shift, Slimekeep, (Ben) BONK the BALL, ect.
This game is acually very broken
- If on/jumping off of a goal, sometimes another player, or even rarer on a platform, or while loading the next level or restarting, you can jump mid-air if the velocity vector is pointing upward, meaning:
- You can cheese levels
- You can clip past the invisible wall and into Out-of-Bounds area
- Pressing [Tab] to change from 3D to 2D will disable all collisions apart from the one for staying on the ground, meaning:
- You can clip through another player, platform, or worse, into Out-of-Bounds areas (That last one will also happen in the reverse case when changing from 2D to 3D, but it is frame-perfect)
- You can be phasing a platform below
- Repeatedly pressing [Tab] will cause orthographic 2D and perspective 3D, completly breaking the illusion
- Pressing [Tab] multiple timesbefore a the level loads will cause the camera to act like it is 3D but as if everything else is in 2D, also spoiling the illusion
- If Cube A is in front of a platform 1 and Cube B is active when switching to 2D, Cube B can't touch platform 1 until it leaves the area in front of it, when platform 1 moves forward
- A platform moving directly up or down will squish two cubes together if they are stacked under it
- Some shadows are completly broken in 2D
- You can duplicate a cube, making the level potentially impossible
- Going next to a wall in 2D then jumping will not jump