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I took this a step further and decided to never ever use the spitter unless it was 100% necessary to progress, I shot 2 pink bullets in total, both in level 2. I'll make video soon  but the main crutch is the fact it takes 2 bazooka shots to get to the top gold relic, and you need a third one to break it. I tried looking for a way to get up in one bazooka shot but failed, so the next course of action was to find an angle that I could shoot from that was within one bazooka shot. But if it was too far away it failed because the shot would despawn after going off the edge of the screen. I shot at it from directly below and only broke one block, I even did some testing with the spitter to see if I could any angle but only found I could break the top most block, so that's level 2. Then level 3 came and I thought it was also impossible but then found a glitch that barely would get you up, ledge jumps. You start off by painting the ledge you want to ledge jump up. Then you bazooka up to the to and spam jump, if you did it correctly then you would barely get up with no bazooka shots to spare. And luckily there is a green pool nearby, so I tried extending this trick to level 2 and couldn't find any uses, so yeah. No other level presented trouble and I even found a version that's 2 levels longer and beat it with no troubles. So right now the minimum shots is 2, I'll post a video soon maybe.