I really liked how Conan could attack diagonally -- made it easier to kill enemies without getting killed yourself. The User Interface was easy to understand what the player was expected to do. I really think the gameplay would be better if the controls were simplified - 8 keys for movement and attack just seems a bit excessive and can make it easy to get confused when you're beset by enemies and don't have much time to think. I made it to the second level two or three times, but was never able to get to the third level.
I loved how the second level not only had a new enemy sprite, but how they also had a new ranged attack. That definitely increased the difficulty of the game but also made it more interesting than simply fighting more of the same enemies. The wavering and flickering torch effect was very well done!
Graphics / Sound / Polish:
Pretty cool how the enemy sprites could face in different directions inside the boxes. I realize that limits how big or detailed of a sprite you could work with, but the skeletons and lions looked pretty good.
Like a lot of games that have that 8-bit NES-era look to them, I feel that the color contrast could be better so that the objects "pop" more.
Interpretation / Completeness:
The enemies aren't really terrifying in and of themselves, but there is a real fear of dying which means you need to start the level all over again.