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When I first saw the gameplay for this, I was almost certain that this would be my favorite game in this Game Jam -- the ball physics just looked ridiculously good. Unfortunately, some things look better than they play because I found the controls to be functional but frustrating. For example, yes, it's pretty easy to move the paddle around and hit the ball, but trying to accurately aim the ball somewhere was much more difficult. Before I knew it, the computer was winning 13-2.


I imagine some people would have tried to make this game from a top-down perspective, but using the side view looks better and has the added benefit of showing off the very impressive ball physics. Other nice touches I like are the tree in the background and the color-coding of the players (and how the colors switch when you swap sides). Overall, it's a very creative Basic interpretation of ping pong.

Graphics / Sound / Polish:

Even though the graphics are mostly circles, lines and squares, they get the job done and the color contrast is excellent. What I was not expecting was for the sound to be so irritating -- especially the robotic announcer voice. That being said, the ping pong ball sound is perfect. 

Interpretation / Completeness:

I'm not really seeing the Together theme here since ping pong is a game where you play against another player. It would be different if two players could play on the same side against an AI opponent.

Practice makes perfect. And if you practice, I will tell you the secrets, with the "z", "x" keys you can change the speed of the game. Sound is a product of my speech organ, the graphics are completely programmed and actually consist of circles, lines and rectangles. :)

In my country, Together is also about playing against each other. If I had known it was a mistake - perhaps I would have reported the "Holka" football game, where it is possible to play together against the computer.