Sure thing! Thanks for replying, and explaining that, I could be misunderstanding something for sure.
I believe that section 1-J just sets aside additional entities that should be considered capitalist or “anti-capitalist”, but doesn’t alter the description of a “capitalist corporation.” So, a for-profit company that is not limited by shares or is smaller than 50 people would not be considered “anti-capitalist” according to the license definitions.
My comment about militaries and law enforcement wasn’t about what they do, but that they aren’t a strictly capitalist invention; they’ve been around in all civilizations and forms of government across time, including anti-capitalist governments present and past. Because of that, I thought it was strange that generic “militaries” and “law enforcement” were set aside as specifically pro-capitalist in the definitions.
Ok, on to the explanation about not being able to list products for sale: section 2-1 says that the licensed material must be used “for Anti-Capitalist purposes only.” And “anti-capitalist” is defined as “not primarily intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation for a Capitalist Corporation.” So, any big marketplace app, like steam for example, makes money (in part) by taking a cut of the sale in exchange for the time and effort it takes to maintain and improve the platform and make the listed products reach a wide audience. Selling something on a platform like that (and like Itch) would be working toward monetary compensation of a capitalist corporation. In order to avoid that and abide by the terms of this license, you would have to list your product for free in order to prevent a monetary exchange for the corporation.
The only loop hole I can see is that maybe you could argue that your product isn’t “primarily” intended to benefit a capitalist corporation, and so any monetary compensation that occurs is incidental.
Anyways, if you read all that, thanks for taking the time to interact about it! I will be googling “military-industrial complex” soon to learn more about that :D