What a shame :( This game seems to be really good but unfortunately the jump is triggering 1 out of 6 times which makes the game unplayable for me (there was another game with the exact same problem).
I'm sorry but I love this game and the theme is perfectly respected. The only problem of the jump is the animation. "What a shame" ... bah. Your criticism is not constructive. RESPECT because here there are people who put A LOT of effort and are learning. Anyway congratulations Lythande.
I'm trying to work the animations, I am not a pro in game programming. I'll do better next time. But to say that the game is unplayable, that's a pretty vicious attack.
I think you guys misunderstood me, I didn't said that is was a shame that the game was unplayable, I said it was a shame because I really wanted to play it and I couldn't complete it. English is not my native language so I thought "What a shame" could fit here as "too bad I can't play it".