I was not expecting careless whisper, of all things, to start off this game. The SFX were hilarious (I am somewhat embarrassed to admit I knew the reference to almost all of them), and the monologue at the Bad End had me howlin'.
for the most part, I really enjoyed the gameplay! The game was difficult enough for me to rage just a bit before winning after like ten tries :p sometimes, the tongue would deploy, and I would hold the mouse, but the frog would stay stuck, and I would lose oof I'm not sure if this was intended, but I was able to suspend the frog in the air for an unholy amount of time using its tongue and the falling cans.
the art was gorgeous, not just for something made in MS paint. I loved the ending scenes. the spray paint shading and the bold block colors gave me a noir vibe.
i really really enjoyed this game--great job owo 11/10