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I'm guessing that this is just a hacking game? And I need to input a certain command in order to progress in the game?

If so, then I have no idea what codes I need to input. There's really no tutorial, or unless there is then I can't understand it. 

I'd figure a help feature would be nice. However, I think just listing a huge amount of commands for the player to input would be a bit overwhelming and would be giving them too much to start with.

Thank you for the positive feedback. However like i said the project was started really late. I didn't have enough time to implement every detail i imagined. If it helps i can list the operable commands here :D 

echo [anyting to echo] //nothing much to explain here

add [number1] [number2] //addition of 2 integers

sum [number1] [number2] [number3] ..... //addition of multiple integers (max 16 i think)

bind [0/1/2] [any string that is a valid command] //bind a command to right left and middle click

exit // terminate the game

set [system variable] [value] // setting a virtual system variable (only 1 exists yet: dialogLogging)

kill // kill player

restart //restart the game

standby //set terminal to standby


wlan scan //scans all available wifi networks

wlan connect [SSID] [password] //connects to a desired network

wlan disconnect // disconnects from previously established network

wlan status //shows current connection details

wlan ipscan // scans all ip's on the network and shows a description of what they are

bruteit [SSID] //bruteforce script (has to be installed first)

lvf [ip address] // live feed viewing program (live video feed=lvf) 

setplc [ip address] [deviceID] [type of value] [value] // sets a value in a plc within a network (controll any device :a/c, celldoor) (value types: bool or real)

listplc [ip address] //lists all devices connected to the plc

inst [package] //installs a package when connected to a network (only bruteit for now)

uninst [package] //uninstalls a package

hope that helps :)