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Gameplay: I do not really understand what's going on here. You can select different coins, but how are they different? Some move faster, and some slower, I guess, but I can't remember which are which and what they do. Do they different amounts of damage as well? What does the "quarters only, please" sign at the beginning mean? Also, I didn't find out whether it is good or bad to hit the ATM.

Creativity: Obviously, very creative. Shooting with immaterial cryptocurrency at the thing that makes it exists is completely weird.

Graphics, Sound and Polish: You definitely put much effort into the graphics, but there are no sounds, are there?

Interpretation of Theme and Completeness of Game: Yeah, it's about money, but I would have liked a more common aproach to the theme better.

Yes, the coins all have unique speeds and levels of damage. Quarters are the largest form of currency, but I see now that not everyone is going to understand that -- especially if they aren't from the US. The ATM was meant to be a boss enemy of sorts. No sounds, unfortunately.

Thanks for the comments Iziminza!